Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

I came across the quote above the other day on Facebook and my heart felt like it was wrapped in a warm blanket.

Some believe productivity and presence are mutually exclusive.

They’re not.

But we make it harder on ourselves than we need to by focusing on productivity at the expense of presence. That little hit of dopamine in our system is a powerful motivator. (I can’t be the only one who’s ever added an item to my to-do list after I’ve done it so I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off.) 🙂

What would change if our focus was on being present and in our bodies FIRST?

  • When you’re present you can express yourself genuinely. You learn to trust yourself more.
  • Being present to your own feelings makes it easier to accurately recognize emotions in others and respond appropriately, with compassion.
  • Being present allows you to navigate stress, setbacks, and challenges more resiliently.
  • Being in your body and understanding your physical responses to situations helps you make more informed and balanced choices.
  • Presence captivates attention and inspires others to follow.

The value of being present is undisputable. So, why don’t we do it?

The main reason? It takes more effort, concentration, and energy. It doesn’t feel as easy and the hormonal boost of satisfaction is delayed. We have to slow down and not get as much “done” by outside measures and pay attention (and trust) what’s happening inside us.

It’s uncomfortable to slow down. You may feel foolish or like you’re wasting time–or your life. You may feel anxious, unable to stop moving. This is a definite indication that you need to take your foot off the gas and ask yourself “Where is this pressure coming from?”

Remember the last time you learned something new? You had to slow down to do it. Learning to be present takes more time, more concentration. It’s supposed to. I promise that with practice, you get better and it gets easier.

Learning to be present is worth it.
YOU are worth it. The people you love & care about are worth it.

If you’d like a guide for your journey to being present and all the good things it brings, book a call. I’m here.