Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching


I do most of my best thinking while I’m cleaning stalls or working on the pasture. I’m honored you’ve stopped by to read. 

It’s Your Greatest Gift

It’s Your Greatest Gift

Since our new horse, 8-year-old Sadie, arrived about a month ago it’s been fascinating to observe the shifting herd dynamics. It’s not unlike adding a new person at work, a new kid at school, or a new baby to the family. Relationships naturally shift. And they should....

Swim Practice

Swim Practice

My son, Ben, decided to join the swim team in high school. He wasn’t old enough to drive himself to the 6 am practices which meant the job fell to me. The pool was about 20 minutes from campus and he (and his teammates) would need a ride back to school, too. Sitting...

Why We All Need to be More Present

Why We All Need to be More Present

I came across the quote above the other day on Facebook and my heart felt like it was wrapped in a warm blanket. Some believe productivity and presence are mutually exclusive. They’re not. But we make it harder on ourselves than we need to by focusing on productivity...

A Better Way to Manage Fear

A Better Way to Manage Fear

I had my second meeting with a new horse the other day. I spent a couple of hours working with Sadie, then we took a short ride in a big field. Sadie reminds me a lot of Roxy, my solid (now retired) pinto mare. She doesn’t have a lot of desire to go forward at...

What If You Had Nothing to Prove?

What If You Had Nothing to Prove?

Several years ago, I entered my first competitive trail challenge with my pinto mare, Roxy. She was a good partner and trail horse, but we’d never done a competition like this. The event consisted of 8-10 obstacles over 6 miles and we were judged on how skillfully or...

Personal Leadership: 26 Lessons Straight from the Horse's Mouth

by Kathy K. Taylor

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