Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching


I do most of my best thinking while I’m cleaning stalls or working on the pasture. I’m honored you’ve stopped by to read. 

The Myth of Continuous Growth

The Myth of Continuous Growth

Several years ago, I met a woman at a networking event who said something that really made me think. I mentioned I was hosting a retreat and she made it clear that she didn’t ever call anything a “retreat” because it implied losing. She followed up with, “After all,...

Redefining Consistency

Redefining Consistency

Consistency is not one of my strong suits. Frankly, I find doing the same thing the same way at the same interval boring. You may have noticed these posts come out at different times of day, on different days, and there are different amounts of time between them. I...

Pressuring Myself

Pressuring Myself

I was so on edge.  The pressure had been building for a while. Kids, horses, house, business, bills, groceries, cooking--and all the things that go with all those things. There were a thousand details that needed tending. They ALL felt like priorities that had to be...

Unlearning Unworthiness

Unlearning Unworthiness

I wasn’t born feeling unworthy. I learned it. I learned it when I was told there was only one right answer--and “that wasn’t it.” I learned it when I heard, “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” I learned it at the death of my furry friend when I got...

It’s Your Greatest Gift

It’s Your Greatest Gift

Since our new horse, 8-year-old Sadie, arrived about a month ago it’s been fascinating to observe the shifting herd dynamics. It’s not unlike adding a new person at work, a new kid at school, or a new baby to the family. Relationships naturally shift. And they should....

Swim Practice

Swim Practice

My son, Ben, decided to join the swim team in high school. He wasn’t old enough to drive himself to the 6 am practices which meant the job fell to me. The pool was about 20 minutes from campus and he (and his teammates) would need a ride back to school, too. Sitting...

Why We All Need to be More Present

Why We All Need to be More Present

I came across the quote above the other day on Facebook and my heart felt like it was wrapped in a warm blanket. Some believe productivity and presence are mutually exclusive. They’re not. But we make it harder on ourselves than we need to by focusing on productivity...