Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching


I do most of my best thinking while I’m cleaning stalls or working on the pasture. I’m honored you’ve stopped by to read. 

How to Make Your Brain Feel Safe

How to Make Your Brain Feel Safe

Why is sensory input so important for the brain?  Sensory input (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, gravity, pressure, etc.) is an important chunk of information the brain uses to decide if it’s safe or unsafe. If your brain has a fuzzy map of where your feet are, it...

The Brain and the Threat Bucket

The Brain and the Threat Bucket

Yesterday we talked about the four categories of protective responses your nervous system makes to real or perceived threats--fight, flight, freeze, or fawn--and I gave some examples of how they show up in my life. I hope some of them resonated with you. Now, let’s...

Day 12: The Power of Being

Day 12: The Power of Being

My client arrived at the barn frustrated by and still ruminating on an unpleasant conversation she’d had earlier in the day. She found it really hard to let go and be present. In the weeks before, we’d worked together online to reconnect her to her body and herself. ...

Day 10: How NOT to Take Up Space

Day 10: How NOT to Take Up Space

Susan and I had been friends since kindergarten. Her grades were always just little bit better than mine which meant I was often compared to her.  When we learned cursive in 3rd grade, her penmanship rivaled our teacher’s! I’d even call it “cute”--that’s how good it...

Day 8: Negotiating Sharing a Space

Day 8: Negotiating Sharing a Space

I have a friend here visiting.  She was going through a rough time and she took me up on my offer to come down and take a break from it all.  I was excited when she finally arrived and I was looking forward to us playing with my horses and exploring healing from an...

Day 7: Space and Anger

Day 7: Space and Anger

I was home from college and the “Freshman 15” I’d put on was still sticking around. I heard my mom and my aunt in the kitchen talking and the subject of my weight gain came up.  This was already a sore spot for me. As a swimmer in high school and I was *hungry* when I...

Day 6: The Space of Grief

Day 6: The Space of Grief

He was only 7 hands, about 28 inches, at the withers, but that was the only thing small about him. Rooster had a personality big enough to fill a Clydesdale. I’ve learned valuable lessons from all my horses, but Rooster taught me some of the biggest.  He arrived with...

Personal Leadership: 26 Lessons Straight from the Horse's Mouth

by Kathy K. Taylor

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