Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

What It’s Like to be FULLY Present

What It’s Like to be FULLY Present

“For the next 30-40 minutes, Go where your body wants to go.” I had no idea what that meant on training day 1 of 5, but as I wandered into the arena, I was acutely aware that my head was telling me where to go. I didn’t even really understand how to “go where my body...
Be Fully You without Trying So Hard

Be Fully You without Trying So Hard

“For the next 30-40 minutes, Go where your body wants to go.” I had no idea what that meant on training day 1 of 5, but as I wandered into the arena, I was acutely aware that my head was telling me where to go. I didn’t even really understand how to “go where my body...