Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

I’ve been trying to write something witty or intelligent or mind-blowing to you for a while now. I get started, I’m on a roll… then the inner critic shows up and tells me I don’t know how to communicate, that no one will understand what I’m trying to say because I have too many ideas in my head and I get all bogged down and tense.

When I try again later, I usually find that the life’s gone out of my original idea.

Sooooo… in the spirit of summer time, here’s a little cartoon to remind you (and me!) of several ways we can finish that go against the grain and don’t involve pushing, pressuring and trying e-v-e-n harder than we already are.

Maybe, just maybe, finishing could be easier. (Did you just take a big sigh like me?)

I’d love to know your favorite. (Really, I would!–but only if it’s easy)