Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

I can’t be the only one who has wondered, “Why is it so hard to make changes that I want?”

I’ve got the answer. And guess what, YOU are in charge of it. (YAY!!)

The short answer is your brain.

In the past, it’s gotten overwhelmed by situations, emotions, and other people. The changes were so big in the moment, that your body went into a trauma response of fight, flight, freeze or fawn to protect itself. Good job, Brain!

The challenge with making changes–even GOOD ones, is that the brain often views it as a big change. In the past, big changes have been too much, so it makes the same prediction about positive change–It’s too much.

This is why Monday morning diets and New Year’s Resolutions fail.

The key is to take steps that are small enough that they don’t feel like a big deal to the brain.

If you want to get healthier, start with a small step like drinking a glass of water first thing when you wake up. Bonus points if you put it by your bed the night before.

If you want to read more, commit to reading ONE page before bed.

I know…these steps may seem too small to make a difference.

That’s what your brain thinks, too–and why it doesn’t raise the alarms. They are small enough that they’re hard to mess up which makes it easy to be consistent. Small consistent changes don’t register in the brain like a decision to read a book a month when it’s taken you 4 years to get through Great Expectations.

Be kind to your brain (and yourself) by joining me in the Neuro-Emotional Resilience program. Learning small steps that, with practice have a big impact on your nervous system and its ability to bounce back and make change stick.

I’d love for you to join us on this 6-week experiential journey to rewiring your brain for a new way of Being.