Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

I submit that until you “know something in your bones” you don’t really know it.

When you know something at the “bone” level, it’s embodied knowledge. It’s part of who you are.

Think of something that you know that “you know that you know.” (I’m talking more about beliefs about yourself or how the world works vs. specific facts.)

My bet is that when you pay attention, you can feel that sensation in your body somewhere. For me, when I consider the idea that my body has a deeper knowing, I sense that in the bones of my upper arms and my thighs.

That same wisdom of the body is there when you make a “gut decision”–if you’re willing to pay attention to it.

The more you pay attention to the sensations in your body, the more you realize how much wisdom is found there. The more you test it, the more you trust it–and the more you trust yourself.

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

I invite you to start learning to trust yourself NOW! Finding the aliveness in your body is the key to JOYFUL living!

To help you get started, here’s a free download of a 15-minute centering practice. Try it out for 2 weeks and feel it make a difference in you.