Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

Consistency is not one of my strong suits.
Frankly, I find doing the same thing the same way at the same interval boring.

You may have noticed these posts come out at different times of day, on different days, and there are different amounts of time between them.

I tend to want to follow sparks of aliveness rather than self-imposed (or other-imposed) deadlines. I prefer to be drawn to things and allow them to unfold instead of making them into something they are *supposed* to be.

For sure, there’s a place for that kind of consistency. My horses want to be consistently fed and their systems prefer it be around the same time each day. My coaching practice needs consistent attention. Relationships thrive with consistency because a sense of comfort and safety can develop, right?

I’ve definitely “should” on myself about my lack of consistency–especially where this email is concerned. That shame makes me feel small.

In talking with friends the other day though, I realized my definition of consistency was too narrow.

What if I measured it differently? Instead of “same day, same time,” what if I measured how connected I felt to myself and you when I wrote? What if I came from the same place of aliveness instead of overriding it just to complete a task?

I see this as consistency of how I show up over when.

Not long ago, I would have said this was a recipe for failure. But what I’ve found is that when I control less, allow more, and follow the natural rhythms and wisdom of my own body I learn to trust myself and am more comfortable and confident even in uncertainty. This allows me to show up even more full of myself and more generous. I like that version of me better. Hopefully, you do, too.