Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

My son, Ben, decided to join the swim team in high school. He wasn’t old enough to drive himself to the 6 am practices which meant the job fell to me. The pool was about 20 minutes from campus and he (and his teammates) would need a ride back to school, too.

Sitting in the car for an hour seemed like a colossal waste of time when I could be getting much needed some exercise. I had been a high school swimmer myself, swimming 5,000 yards before class. Not wanting to intrude on the vibe of high school kids, I asked the coach (and my son) if it’d be OK if I joined the practice. They agreed.

I jumped in the pool again and found that nothing had been lost but a little bit of strength and endurance. My body remembered the miles I’d swum when I was younger. As I took smooth, efficient strokes, I was quite surprised at how I easily lapped the boys 30 years younger than me.

I never would have guessed that my practices so long ago would have overcome the advantages of their youth, fitness, and vigor, but my body hadn’t forgotten a thing—the benefits of what I had practiced decades before still served me well.

These days I pay more attention to practicing my thoughts and ways of being than freestyle or butterfly. I practice loving myself and taking up spaceI’ve learned a lot about how I show up in relationships with myself and others and it has allowed me to take things more slowly and not feel like I’m getting behind. I’m also getting better at asking for what I need–all because I’m practicing being fully ME.

The process of becoming who you really are doesn’t happen overnight. It comes with practice. And it’s a lot more fun done in community.

Instead of “practice” being dull, repetitive, or one more thing on your “to-do” list, this will be a fun, interesting, empowering small group practice where you’ll be supported AND challenged.

Over the course of 6 weeks in the Practice Lab PLUS, we will:

  • Meet together on zoom for 30 minutes 3 mornings/weeks to move and engage with our embodied intelligence.
  • Take 3 deeper explorations into themes like boundaries, confidence, or supportive connection.
  • Everyone who registers will receive their own individual coaching session where we can go further into your specific challenges and what you’d like to do and BE differently.

You’ll feel most prepared if you’ve previously attended a free introductory workshop. (See below)

The December “Holiday Edition” will focus on helping you handle the stress of the holidays with more grace and ease.

January’s focus will be visioning and goal setting in an embodied way. You won’t want to miss either one.

Register for any or all of these workshops here.