Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

As I write this, the sun’s about to peek over the trees. In a few moments, the light will be so bright and piercing that I’ll have to lower the shades.

I love this time when it’s not quite night or day. It feels sort of extra calm and peaceful on the ranch this morning right before everything wakes up and demands attention.

In yesterday’s Practice Lab we explored confidence and self-agency.

We discovered how “unsure” feels in our body and also how “insistent” and “inflexible” feel. We played with the imbalances of over/underconfident and found our way to what balanced, grounded confidence felt like.

When you experience this in your body, your brain can go to that confident place more easily. It’s something you can actually *practice* so that self-assuredness is there when you need it–because “fake it til you make it” only gets you so far.

One of the participants this morning commented, “Getting into my body like this reveals blind spots that I have.”

You can try it right now.

Think of a time when you felt unsure about something. Notice what your experience is like. Now think of a time when you were insistent and had to be right. Neither one of those feels very good to me–even when I’m just imagining.

Now think of a time you felt grounded, confident, and determined. What do you experience?

Now, see if you can sense into that experience and stay connected with that confidence as you bring to mind that situation where you feel unsure. How does that influence your experience now?

It may have brought some confidence to the situation. If so, wonderful. You’ve just embodied confidence!

If not, that’s also perfectly normal. We spend a lot of time in our head and getting into the body can be challenging. That’s why I run free monthly workshops!!

The October workshop is full, but you can register for the November or December session or join me at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens for live, in-person workshop. We’ll cover all the essentials and then focus on the journey of reconnecting to the Self.

Getting out of your head and into your body helps you feel grounded, secure, and balanced. If you experience anxiety, perfectionism, or constantly take care of others at the expense of yourself, experiencing Embodied Intelligence is a powerful way to bring balance to your life and relationships.