Personal Leadership & Mindfulness Coaching

I wasn’t born feeling unworthy. I learned it.

I learned it when I was told there was only one right answer–and “that wasn’t it.”
I learned it when I heard, “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.”
I learned it at the death of my furry friend when I got the message, “It’s just a dog.”
I learned it when I was the “good girl” and never questioned what I was told.
I learned it when someone said, “You’re wearing that?” and I changed my outfit.
I learned it when I was told “Young ladies don’t behave that way.”
I learned it when I heard, “You know you won’t be happy with that.”

You learned it, too.
It stinks. I’m sorry.

There is good news, though.
Since you learned it, you can UNLEARN it.

The first step is to recognize that you are valuable–just as you are. This means having compassion and kindness toward yourself.

How would your life be different if you were always kind to yourself? If you liked yourself even when you screwed up? If you held your emotions with tenderness and care? If you made peace with your inner critic?

Since I’ve been able to do some of this for myself, I am so much more at peace. I’m more relaxed with myself and with others. I’ve become more full of myself as I’ve unloaded harmful beliefs and tuned into my emotions. I’ve processed a lot of grief and other emotions that kept me stuck because they were stuck. Movement and learning how to listen to and communicate with my body and its fight/flight/freeze responses have been liberating.

I hope the best for you. I’m here if you want someone to accompany you and guide you on your journey.